"When they saw the courage of Peter and John and realized that they were unschooled, ordinary men, they were astonished and they took note that these men had been with Jesus." Acts 4:13

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Father's Day - A Real Relative Holiday

I know, the title seems like a bad pun, but there is a real truth to Father’s Day being a “relative” holiday. I can think of no other way to describe my father than to say that he is a good man – in every sense of the idea. I love him dearly and look up to him in every way. If I can be half the man that he is, well, that would be an accomplishment indeed. However, I know that everyone has not had the benefit of such a relationship with their dad. Some have never known their father because of his untimely passing. Still others have been neglected, abandoned, even abused in the most horrible ways by their father. I cannot express how deeply sorry I am for those that have had to suffer at the hands of the one man that is supposed to provide for, take care of, and model who our Heavenly Father is.

That is why not only is this holiday so relative, but the way we approach God is so relative as well. It is easy for me to accept how good God truly is because I have such a good dad. However, when a person has had to endure life instead of living it because of their dad, is it any wonder they have a difficult time approaching God as Father? Yet the Bible says, “Every good thing given and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shifting shadow.”[1] Every good thing we have, we experience, or we enjoy comes from our Heavenly Father. A relationship with God truly is as simple as understanding that He loves us and only wants good for us. For some, our earthly father has clouded and distorted what a true father is supposed to be like. But even as that verse says, there is no variance or shifting shadow in Him. The goodness of God is a constant. He does and always will love you. The good gifts and things in your life are evidence of that. Reach out to Him even as He reaches out to you, and discover what a wonderful Father God is.

[1] James 1:17 (NASB)

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